Monday, August 6, 2012

Busy busy busy

Over the past week I've come to realize I no longer embrace the idea of being busy all the time, every day and every night. Apparently sometime I have become accustomed to having a little down time. Last week was crazy busy between travel, work, meetings, exercising and socializing!

My favorite moments of last week: meeting up with friends during my travel and proudly completing my P90X exercises in the hotel room with no excuses of "oh I'll just skip today," etc. I have finally truly found a program that I can continue even during travel - how awesome is that!?!?

Tomorrow is my rest day as I prepare to move into Phase 3! I'm SO excited to start this phase. I can't really say much more than that. I am happy to be home from my work travel, I'm happy my babies were both excited to see me. Hearing my baby girl's giggles and grunts of excitement (only 10 months old, she can't say much yet, lol) made my morning, along with my constant barrage of hugs from the 3 year old. Every time I travel I miss them more and more.

No weekend projects for us. I'm personally happy it is August, that means some cooler weather is around the corner. I am being optimistic, there have been Octobers where we are still in triple digits. I hope we can break back down into the 90s and 60s for lows soon. I'm very anxious to get out on the bike and to run outside.

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