Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Extreme Tactical Folding Pocket Knife

Gift idea for the hubby's bday, even if it is months away. #Ad

100th Birthday

I'll celebrate with some oreos thank you very much! #Ad

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Swagbucks is Awesome!

Search & Win
"I Used to Know That: Stuff You Forgot From School

I'm afraid to know what I used to know! #Ad

Caramel Flavor

Sugar free! #Ad

Nuts On the Go Snack Packs

Healthy snack #Ad

Soul Owner Exfoliating Foot Cream

Nice for at home pedis. #Ad

My Little Corner is...

a feeble attempt to begin a blog. What shall I include in my blog... recipes, ideas, books I enjoy or maybe some ones I don't enjoy so much... ideas from pinterest... I guess a general hodgepodge of whatever I find interesting. I have a hard enough time keeping my ideas in the forefront of my mind, I figure a blog could help me keep better track of said ideas. My memory is not what it once was. ;-)